Thanks to our Substack community for support and interest. Sharing a few more things. Yesterday, Dany had a piece in Foreign Policy laying out the Iranian plan to use its proxies to begin a war to annihilate Israel. It doesn’t matter that such plans are beyond the real world. What matters is that Iran has made clear its strategy in no uncertain terms.
Bizarrely, perhaps, a very slightly different version of the FP piece was sitting in copy edit last week. But that makes Israel’s surprise all the more shocking.
Some additional thoughts are below.
In the wake of the dreadful Hamas attack on Israel, there have been repeated accusations — accurate — that the Biden administration’s transfer to Iran (via Qatar) of $6 billion amounts to a direct subsidy of the Hamas war ongoing. While this indictment is correct as far as it goes, it fails to advance an argument about the future. In fact, this war is an indictment of an entire philosophy that has taken hold in the security and foreign policy establishment, and that has prevailed throughout the last three administrations: That the United States must “pivot” away from the Middle East towards more urgent challenges from
Beijing and Moscow.
For the Obama administration, the nuclear agreement with Iran represented an effort to repudiate the 9/11 wars — the “forever wars” that isolationists and know-nothings adore referencing — and to firmly settle the questions of the Middle East with a deal to make everything go away. That it was a bad deal is not the point. The point is that the philosophy underpinning it — that there are options to settle the existential claims of hostile powers with goodwill and smarts — is fundamentally false.
The Trump team understood the weakness of the Iran nuclear deal, but with its avowedly mercantilist bent, also believed there was a deal to be had to manage—and thus offload—the region. Iran policy would be a casual boot on the throat of the Iranian economy, with day to day management subcontracted to a new coalition of Sunni Arabs and Israel. And while it was heartening to see a half century of enmity to the Jews set aside, the Trump policy was at heart a pivot by another name.
Enter Biden, whose foreign policy intellects sourced themselves in a resuscitation of their early years with Obama, and an even more dangerous covert effort to satisfy Iran. Thus the money, the secret “understanding “ with Tehran to lay off American targets and slow nuclear enrichment - a conspiracy with terrorists to fool the US Congress.
It is all wrong, not simply morally or tactically, but also strategically. Powers like Iran do not make real deals. Terrorists do not accommodate a pivot. Concessions feed the beast. After 9/11, many of us were forced to remind our compatriots that not a decade has gone by in which there has not been a war in the Middle East to upend each president’s varying desire for his version of “nation building here at home.“
The answer to putting the Middle East into a second tier of threats and focusing on the very real menaces from Russia and China is victory. Victory comes from defeat. And that is what the United States must facilitate for Israel and for our own interests: the complete and utter defeat of Iran and its agents. Otherwise, inevitably, we will be back again and again.
This is exactly right. There is no substitute for hard power to confront the Iranian menace. How could the nuclear deal ever work, given what the regime is at its ideological core? And how could the Abraham Accords or Saudi-Israel Normalization work to contain Iran, built as it is on a coalition of feckless Arab states, all with only words to serve as guarantees. While Iran’s proxies have free reign and their nuclear program isn’t going anywhere? There was never going to be peace in the Middle East so long as America was leaving and Iran was left alone with the other Arab states at its mercy. What is happening in Israel is a result of years of US naiivete and misguided shame on account of “forever wars.” It is an indictment of US disengagement and populism. It is also the best confirmation yet that Iran has to be dealt with, not negotiated with. We should isolate it to the extent we have isolated Russia for their role in sponsoring and planning this heinous attack. And we and our allies should prepare to go to war with the regime to stop their nuclear break out.