Yes. And HQ of Al Jazeera propaganda media. But remember we really don't have a policy for this. Modi was on the naughty list that he couldn't come to the US - but then was elected prime minister, so wa-lah! No worries, c'mon man!

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Very well said. Sigh…….

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Well done. Thanks.

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Wow. I had no idea as to this history and I suspect 99% of the US population is also ignorant. I always wondered about Qatars supposed middleman position. The US political and diplomatic leadership seems to have a very limited comprehension of the Middle East. How can this happen. Can you explain how the Abraham Accords would have helped or hurt the future of the US relations in the MIddle East. It would be a great service to your reading public.

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None of those things will happen at least under Democratic administrations because they are at root deeply deeply cowardly. They fear change. (Ironic since they are allegedly progressive) They suck up to enemies and berate friends. And many of them in the foreign policy world are deeply compromised by evil money. It's actually insane what the Biden Bunch have done here. But until it causes a disaster it will stand. Then they will gaslight us and claim nobody could have known when everybody knew.

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A couple of points.

The three Hamas individuals mentioned were not or are not Qatari passport holders. The visa waiver program wouldn’t apply to them.

Qatar is almost certainly the most valuable ally of the U.S. in the Middle East, hosting a huge U.S. Central Command footprint that serves, among many things, to defend Israel from Iran.

This essentially places Qatar on the same basis, visa-wise, as Israel. Yes, there are unsavory individuals who have Qatari passports but are they more unsavory than Israeli passport holders who are disciples of the terrorist Meir Kahane or who worship the mass murderer Baruch Goldstein (or who actively and routinely participate in land theft and violence against West Bank Arabs). Senior members of the current Israeli cabinet are among those who can be characterized in this way.

Just as it’s doubtful that the supposed bilateral mutuality of the visa waiver program will cause Israel to freely admit our fellow Americans who are ethnically Palestinian, it’s doubtful that the U.S. will blindly admit any and all Qataris (and the number of Qatari passport holders is quite small at 355 thousand, including minors). And it’s doubtful that any and all Israelis will be permitted to enter the U.S. despite the program’s existence.

We can leave comparisons of Al Jazeera to quasi-media organizations with propaganda overtones in Israel or elsewhere for another time.

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Thats total absolute slander comparing Israel to Qatar.

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