Mar 6·edited Mar 6Liked by Danielle Pletka

Whenever I look at Joe Biden and his administration … I can almost hear that popular Leonard Cohen song playing in the background; the song “Everybody Knows.”

Check it out and see if this song doesn’t become an instant jingle tune in your head whenever Biden is on the news.

Refer to: https://youtu.be/mnfoUJxI2dM?si=-ACnDLYuKMrGafP2

IMO, this would be a most appropriate song playing in the background on a loop during the Biden SOTU tomorrow night.

Everybody knows that Joe’s a crony … everybody knows that he sold out too. 🎶

Everybody knows that Joe isn’t thinking … everybody knows that he’s way past due. 🎶

(My suggested additions to the song.)

I think when Cohen came up with this song, during the 1980s, it was meant as a critique against Reagan. But it’s funny how a work of art transcends the artist and can come to have a new and different meaning as new events and issues occur.

Another good example is John Carpenter’s (who is a big liberal, but still a good director) 1980s sci-fi political thriller “They Live.” This too was also produced as a critique of 80s Reaganism, capitalism, consumerism, etc.

But if you were to watch this movie now, especially what with cancel culture, leftwing conformity, “wokeism” and shadow banning so much the norm now, the themes of this movie now seem particularly salient and very appropriate for our current times.


The late great conservative mensch Andrew Breitbart had a brilliant observation … “politics is downstream of culture.”

This adage seems especially true in these rather surreal times we are living in.

In the meantime, many of us feel like we’re just crawling from the wreckage, especially on this day after “Super Tuesday” … g’day!


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Mar 7Liked by Danielle Pletka

It is no surprise that NBC news, or most mm would WANT to frame the sotu as which side are you on. Controversy works for them. Í don't think Ukraine defense spending should be tied to border reform but I can understand why this happened. Most Americans would support Ukraine if you explain that this isn't like Iraq or Afghanistan. We can actually make a difference in supporting a new democracy. My Congressional Representative Elise Stefanik has put forward a bill to ensure that money going to Ukraine goes were it is supposed to. Not like what happened in Afghanistan. And most Americans would support border reform. Biden should make it clear to the far left that open borders are BAD for immigrants and for us. I voted for Biden because he wasn't Trump and he wasn't woke. He only pursued woke tropes to gain support and votes,imo. He would be better off(and so would the country) to go to the center and stay there.

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It will be interesting. Check to see what time Biden is awaken to be good shape for 9 p.m. That’s way past his bedtime. If he turns into the senile oldster he is or misses the meds that helps him read the monitor, the election could well be over at that point.

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