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Mar 11Liked by Danielle Pletka

Somebody else said it much better … and even Mark Twain repeated and attributed these words to the former British Prime Minister:

“There are three types of lies -- lies, damn lies, and statistics.”

― Benjamin Disraeli

Reference: https://www.goodreads.com/quotes/4173-there-are-three-types-of-lies----lies-damn-lies

But not to leave out the venerable Mark Twain … here are his words that also seem especially appropriate in these times:

“Patriotism is supporting your country all the time and your government when it deserves it.”

― Mark Twain

Reference: https://www.goodreads.com/quotes/85741-patriotism-is-supporting-your-country-all-the-time-and-your

The way I see it … the government has justifiably earned nothing deserving whatsoever, except for a swift kick-in-the-ass.

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