As someone who's traveled and worked in Australia, I follow their politics closely. Albo is poison - thank you for calling him out.

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In 1978 I was privileged to meet Clara Zwell, who returned to Europe after the war and taught the children of Auschwitz until, two years later, a small group was left with no survivors to claim them. After alot of thought, they decided they would emigrate together to Australia, as far from Nazi Europe as they could get. Could they see it now... Did you know this story?

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I had heard the story but you prompted me to go back and look it up again. Thank you!

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We have entered a time of misplaced principles. This is not the world I grew up in. The only remedy is for we who know better to stand firm. Ms. Pletka, thanks for helping.

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I quit doing editing for one of the Australian journals. I am sick of reading their constant apology for occupying the land.

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I wrote "Lucky Conversations" as a linguist Morris Wolff in French, English, Spanish and German so that people could work and get along with each other happily and have fun and not hate. At 24 I volunteered at no pay to be world President of AIESEC a peace program to bring young people togeteher from all over ther world for fun, work and friendship and to work for world peace. Now I am almost 90, and the tragedy of Ukraine and Gaza tells me none of my life work has borne positive fruit, and still I try, and still I try. And I remain an optimistist. And I love my wife and childrenm my two daughters and Abigail mu granddaughter and my books, "Whatever

Happened to Raoul Wallenberg" and Morris Wolff: Right Hand Man to History

you may call me in Florida at 352 753 0105 or email at moewolff657@gmail.com

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This man Morris Wolff is quite a hero. He went to Russia, risked his life, and tried to bring

Wallenberg home . He sued the Russians for their bold illegal act in kidnapping our holocaust hero . Raoul Wallenberg, rescued 100,000 innocent Hungarian Jews during

the holocaust, and paid with his life. Morris Wolff Esquire is a man of honor and goodness

who did every good deed possible to save his fellow man.

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The nurses in that video are not Australians, they are Muslim extremists. They would be the same in any country they inhabited.

They talk about killing Jews now but they would do the same to anyone they disagree with.

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But that's the problem; they *are* Australians, legally. Just not in spirit or temperament.

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Same thing in England and France.

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You are spot on with your insightful words about what’s happening in Australia right on

I’m a daughter of holocaust survivors

Annette Goldberg

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I hope you don't mind but I have reproduced your excellent article above at https://freedomaustralia.freeforums.net/thread/6745/jew-hatred

Many thanks for the article.

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Thank you for your excellent and disturbing article. I was a Fulbright Fellow at the University of Melbourne Law School in 1964-1965. I never encountered any anti-Semitism while I was in Australia but it was a lot different then and a long time ago.

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Dang, is Albo related to that smug and hateful harridan, Francesca Albanese, the UN special rapporteur on Israel-bashing? Or is it just an unfortunate coinky-dink for anyone with this surname?

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Just a coincidence of fate. Two odious people of Albanian origin.

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Do not be shocked. Australia and America are a lot closer than you think. You may not have seen it but it has been underground the whole time waiting to reappear. Albo is just the sign that it is emerging. Just like many places of the Uk we experience the Jewish problem. You can't fight an idea much like fighting chamas. We have to learn from it and hope that this too shall pass.

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Hope is not a strategy. It's time to crush these people.

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Sir, There is no "science" behind the term "semite," which refers to a group of language. Antisemitism(us) is a neologism born in the 19th century to define hatred of Jews, by Jew haters. Not that I dislike the more direct Jew hatred, but in the interest of correctness.

The remainder of your statement I will allow to remain as an example of antisemitism at its most insidious. Lies, tropes, and calumnies. Shame on you.

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