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Isn't it anti-semitic to hold Israel to a higher standard of behavior than its neighbors? That's a question worth pondering. For example, a decade ago, the Syrian government was fighting a civil war by using poison gas in urban areas.

Before the McMaster, Petraeus and a few other heroes devised a better strategy of clearing insurgents, holding (continuing to protect the people, not leaving) and building (a new government), we were not winning the war in Iraq and the cost in the deaths of US soldiers and Iraqi civilians was high. Israel hasn't learned this lesson. Yes, Israel needs to eradicate Hamas and liberate the people of Gaza from their tyranny (just like we helped eradicate ISIS terrorists in Iraq and Syria at high cost to the civilians in the towns they seized). Israel has left Gaza many times after fighting Hamas, always without providing protection to civilians and a new local government. They have already returned to drive out Hamas a second time from some areas, Until Israel has some viable plan for the future of Gaza without Hamas, killing more militants and civilians isn't accomplishing anything. Biden is right to oppose such a plan. Netanhayu wants Hamas to survive, so a two-state solution will be impossible.

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