Jun 7Liked by Danielle Pletka

All I can say is which 4 years did you thrive in? Biden or Trump? I vote no wars, great economy and America being respectful and respected again.

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Did 2020 happen?

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Any system that produces these 2 as candidates is FUBAR. I do not offer my support or consent to either. Where does that leave me? SOL

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Jun 6Liked by Danielle Pletka

That’s a good one.

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How do we know Biden is a terrible president? Seems like something we could argue about, but it’s simply not in the same category as the other issues, which are about simple binary facts.

We know he is unpopular, but surely those are not the same things. Economy is solid and better than the other developed nations. He’s doing about as well as anyone could with wars in Ukraine and Gaza. Been great on energy. Not great on immigration. Etc. mixed record. Open to debate.

I profoundly disagree that he’s been terrible. I think he’s been good. Maybe I’m wrong, but your confidence on that is kind of weird.

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First of all, thank you for reading. One of the biggest problems we have is an unwillingness to even read other perspectives. So, kudos to you. Second, I understand that you don't think he's been terrible; sadly, I do. Here are some of the reasons: Ukraine: The slow rolling of support, always a day late and a dollar short. Wanting them not to lose, but not to win. Israel: The wavering support for Israel for domestic political reasons. He started strong, but 2024 has been awful. The border: You know the issue. Crime: Ditto. The economy: Not admitting the reality that many Americans are struggling with inflation, and trying to deal with it effectively. Plenty of blame to go around there.The lawlessness: The student loan write offs. The Supreme Court clearly said he didn't have the authority. Billions in, he's still flouting the law. He should step down and let a decent Democrat run. That, at least, is my view. Cheers.

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I'm not sure it would be profitable to argue each of these issues out, given how far apart I'm sure a lot of our premises are, but I continue to find it odd that you put "Biden is a terrible president" in the same category of things "we know" as those other things you mentioned, which seem more empirical. I think Biden has been a quite good president, but I would hesitate to say that "we know" that even if I were speaking to a group of people who were politically like minded. But ah well. Thanks for responding.

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You can't be serious. The candidate with OBVIOUS deteriorating mental health is the ex-president, who repeats himself and sounds like a sixth grader every time he holds one of his junior high pep rallies. Of course, both are too old to serve as president, but at least the current president is well-informed, able to process information, has a highly qualified team, and isn't a criminal. Trump didn't deliver on any of his promises, and the United States had the worst record in the world in handling the pandemic. Don't lie to your readers, Ms. Pletka. It reflects poorly on you.

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Tell us, what exactly it is that you like about democrats and their perfect lifetime record of turning every organization, village, town, city, county, state, and country they run into a sihithole???

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Oh no! President Harris!!!

If Trump (improbably) runs with a sane VP candidate, he has to be the choice.

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You have to wonder if "Joe Biden" is actually running anything at all? It seems to me the Executive Branch is pretty much on autopilot. Perhaps Dokktor Jill is making most presidential decisions.

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Simple; it's the closing chapter to a fraudulently elected Crazy, Creepy, and Crooked Senile Old Pedo's disgraceful life.

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A vote is not an endorsement, but rather a choice. In this case, a poor choice. Trump is the less poor choice.

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President Biden isn't as bad or as bad off as implied. Convicted felon Trump is worse than implied and probably worse than anyone can imagine. I don't like my choices either but at least with Biden we will retain choices into the future. With Trump, we risk losing any semblance of accountability, moral presence, and representative democracy. The choice is clear.

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Tell us, what exactly it is that you like about democrats and their perfect lifetime record of turning every organization, village, town, city, county, state, and country they run into a sihithole?

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Wake up people! Biden has severe and progressive dementia. Who controls him? “His” policies push the limits of whatever Leftists can get: national defense, legal politicization, immigration, inflation, DEI, mob intimidation and violence, and the list goes on . Name any hot button issue and you will find a Leftist push.

Yes I would be rid of both Trump and Biden.

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Gulp. I didn’t know y’all believed this too. Gulp

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From a policy standpoint Biden has accomplished more than any other recent president in his first 4 years. Setting aside what you think of those policies, you can’t argue that fact. But he has been horrible at linking the affects of those policies to voters’ everyday lives, especially as they pertain to the future. And that’s what presidents are supposed to do. Communicate. I sincerely hope for a contested convention from which emerges a new candidate. The suddenness of that, the shock and awe of it, would captivate voters.

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You're right that I would disagree. As for a contested convention... aren't we all just hoping for a do-over of the whole damn thing? It's been a tough century, I feel like we are owed a good news twist :)

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Crazy, Creepy, and Crooked Senile Old Pedo Joe and his criminal co-conspirators perfection at creating sihitholes isn't anything to brag about.

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I personally think Trump is the most overtly evil of the options (he blows the curve for vices in: greed, lust, envy, pride, wrath and gluttony), he has no respect for anyone's rights, and will likely spend his 2nd term mostly spilling the blood of anyone who doesn't lick his boots.

However, I think he's the most likely "candidate" to win.

I guess I think the American people as a whole are pretty twisted.

More than that though, these candidates absolutely suck.

Our situation is intolerable. A man (whether or not he's senile) who insists on maintaining an intolerable situation, is not a viable option either.

This country is absolutely fucked.

I don't know... we've got nothing to work with here. We're trapped between idiots and monsters, and sometimes I'm not sure which group I find more troubling. For the record, no, the idiots and monsters don't neatly conform to partisan lines, they're mixed throughout both.

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Tell us, what exactly it is that you like about democrats and their perfect lifetime record of turning every organization, village, town, city, county, state, and country they run into a sihithole??

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In the first place, I don't care for the Democratic party. In the second place, what you're saying is dogmatic bullshit, and you know it.

You're not even communicating or asking a real question. You're just trumpeting your identity. It's obnoxious. I think you know that too.

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Here, let me fill you in on just a few of the democrats' 'accomplishments', just on the City level, many of which they've run for seventy-five plus years:

The ten worst run US Cities

The ten US Cities with the worst bed-bug problem

The ten most rat-infested US Cities

The ten cities with the highest homeless rate

The ten most dangerous US cities

The five US cities among the world's thirty most dangerous

The ten Cities with the worst roads

The ten cities with the worst high schools

The ten Cities with the most government debt per taxpayer

Oh, and FYI, at least be a man about your failures ... and that's not dogma, that's fact.

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Your "claims":

1: 100% subjective, and you know it.

2: This is obviously a function of population density. Have you accounted for that?

3: Mostly the same as 2.

4: Given that "GOP" run places just ship all their homeless people to liberal cities, it's like you blaming somebody for having a black eye after you punched them in the face.

5: I don't think this is true. Let's look at it per-capita, with some of the key statistics. It's easy for you to say some vague BS, but I doubt you're able to actually prove it.

6: Again, you're going to have to be way more clear than this.

7: By what metric are you defining "worst". If it has to do with congestion, then again, this is a function of population density, obviously.

8: Define this better. There are some absolutely terrible schools all over the place, but are you talking about schools on average? What metric are you basing this on? What types of schools are you sampling? You can't really be this vague on something this important and then act like you're not BSing.

9: I'm not sure this is true.

I doubt you actually have the stats to even back up these claims. Specifically, your entire argument is: correlation = causation, which is a blatant logical failure on your part.

I'm not a Democrat. These aren't "my" failures. I don't even have a dog in this fight, but the one engaging in dogma is you. When you state something that's entirely your opinion, and call it a "fact", you don't know the definition of the word.

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Please refrain from personal attacks. Lively debate is terrific, as is frank disagreement. Many thanks.

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What is the appropriate response to spammed bad-faith nonsense?

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You're clueless as to the scope and scale as to the blindness your investment in the democrat party OR your TDS is inducing in you. For a "FACT":

1. Those are not "my" metrics, they are freely available to anyone willing to invest in just a minute or two, literally, just a minute or two, of "critical thinking" and "research" into the issue.

2 & 3. The term "City" is well defined as to size, and anyone with even the barest interest in critical thinking would know. And, just to confirm as you have no interest in that, the stats for NYC and LA aren't mixed in with Green Island and Amador City.

4. Derangement.

5. You've demonstrated you don't "think" at all.

6, 7, 8, & 9. When you explain why YOUR ignorance, YOUR laziness, and YOUR stupidity are my problem to correct, the answers are simple and direct AND independently verifiable.

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Man, you know you're being dishonest.

It's a waste of time to list all the ways.

As for the previous prohibition against "personal attacks", you clearly aren't following it.

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I am still hoping that Biden will drop out, for whatever reason he can come up with before the Dem. Convention. There are a few good Dem. Governors that I would happily vote for instead of the Rep. candidate.

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I don't know a single D that doesn't agree with you. And I do too. That would be for the good of the country. But I suspect that the agenda here isn't the country, it's the interests of the Bidens.

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If Democrats were smart they would drop Kamala and put Jared Polis on the ticket. They would win without a doubt. I suspect they will try to put Gavin Newsom on the ticket instead which will not work out well for anyone. Even if they keep Kamala, Newsom is likely to be her VP pick, IMHO

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Can't have two people from California. Thank God.

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Jun 6Liked by Danielle Pletka

Josh Shapiro would be a better choice that Polis or Newsom.

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Jun 7Liked by Danielle Pletka

Don't think he can drop Kamala, he will lose even more of the black vote. Otherwise I agree, a good VP would make Biden more easy to vote for, knowing that he is unlikely to stay the full 4 years.

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Ug, I can't stand Newsom. He's so smug and self-righteous. He's like a leftist version of Trump.

Most of all, he's not 10% as clever as he thinks he is.

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