Jul 6Liked by Danielle Pletka

When Biden nominated Harris to be VP, I knew his administration and the country would be in trouble. VP is too important a position to base it on a person's superficial identities, especially when the president-elect is almost 80 years old. Biden's presidency and Kamala's vice-presidency have been outright failures, witness their consistently low approval ratings and the hardships their policies have caused many millions of people around the world. How can anyone with their head screwed on right vote for either of these incompetents?

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Jul 6·edited Jul 6Liked by Elise Labott

I agree you two should do this more often. At the end of the day unless it is an open competitive process and or convention, moderates as myself will be much less accepting and carry that current frustration over to the election, which would play into Trumps favor. Hot mess so sad!

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Jul 6Liked by Elise Labott

Please, please, somebody explain to me why the US voters, among 350 million citizens, are never able to give a choice of capable candidates for president? Why are you always forced to vote against, instead of for? Neither Biden not Trump should occupy the White House. But one of them will and it seems the respective voters don't care that one is a convicted villain that suggested drinking disinfectants to treat Covid and the other one is so old that he often becomes incoherent.

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Amen, Henry. I think many, and when I say many, I mean most) Americans feel the same way.

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Then why don’t they do anything about it?

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The challenge here is systemic. We need to reform the primary system. Until we do that, it will favor the fringe over the mainstream.

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Also the current state of our politics doesn’t encourage good candidates to run. It used to be about public service. Now it’s just about party loyalty at all costs.

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And money. 💰

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Jul 6·edited Jul 6

The last good candidate (in primaries) that I remember was Sen. Eugene McCarthy

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Jul 6Liked by Danielle Pletka

It will be Kamala or under federal

Election law the DNC has to give back every penny they raised for Biden-Harris. Now of course you could say that the donors would just turn right around and give it to the new candidate but is that a given?

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Smart point. But if they think Kamala will lose them the election, a strong incentive to be creative.

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Jul 6Liked by Danielle Pletka

Oh she will lose big time I think.

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Jul 6·edited Jul 6Author

My question is why wasn’t this an issue until now? Nobody saw these problems before this debate? Had this been addressed after the midterms, Biden could have bowed out with some dignity and the party would have already rallied behind another candidate - Kamala or someone else. But it wouldn’t be a chicken little situation.

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Jul 6Liked by Elise Labott, Danielle Pletka

Oh, the powers that be knew of Biden's infirmity. And in 2020 Kamala was probably the front runner until she was exposed as a light weight. The more exposure she gets, the worse it will get for her. Here in California Democrats need not get serious in a one party state.

But the disturbing thing is the distraction from the important issues confronting our nation. No big policy pronouncement on how best to protect the country from foreign threats and individuals from omnipotent government at home.

The horse race is entertaining, but substance is more nourishing. Thanks for the commentary.

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Oh they knew. in fact whenever it was pointed out somehow that person, channel or paper was turned into some kind of MAGA nutcase, or you shouldn't believe deep fakes, etc. The Washington Free Beacon has a running weekly column about Biden's senior moment of the week for years. The NY Post wrote about it (but you know they couldn't be believed because 51 intelligence officers said the Hunter laptop was a Russian Psyops- tells you the state of our intelligence branches and why the US has been getting so much wrong) Remember the meltdown when the Wall Street Journal reported on his decline a mere few weeks ago? It is just so apparent now that they cant hide it anymore. This kind of decline does not happen overnight. They knew. They all knew.

The question, people have been asking and no one will answer is who is actually running the country now. It is definitely not Biden. Too many say it is really Obama through the number of his people in the Biden Administration.

My question is what was Obama doing there on the day that Biden announced the "Israeli" hostage offer to Hamas. He isn't president and should not be anywhere near the Oval Office anymore. And in all honesty considering he was one of Israel's biggest enemies in Washington putting his imprimatur on this agreement does not do anything to push it along. So why was he even there?

Maybe there is too much conspiracy in my thinking, but in truth the reality is just too creepy. It could be as simple those in power in the Biden admin want to remain in power and they are the same people that are running the DNC. So they tried to gaslight the country and sadly this man has declined so much they cant hide it any longer.

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Ms. Graham describes something the Soviets were doing since their beginning. Whittaker Chambers describes it in his book "Witness." The infiltration of the government by bad actors is with us.

If Ms. Graham's points are true, then FDR was as much a dupe as Trump. Being that Soviet spy Alger Hiss was at FDR's side at Yalta.

The sorry state of our affairs has made it ever so difficult to espouse and admire our American ideals of freedom, LIMITED government and respect for property.

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Do you really want an answer to "What the Hell is Going On?" or is that just a title to a substack post? Let me fill you in on some of the details. The "debate" that wasn't - was a Trump version of sitting in the mud slinging slurs and tyrannical insults at Biden. There was no to little policy discussions, and the moderators unfortunately did not keep the discussion on topic. Biden did not take the bait and shut up rather than lower himself into the vulgarity - which any normal, presidential candidate should have done.

There is no doubt that Biden is 81 years old and will only get older. However, in the last 3 1/2 years this man: saved our country from the pandemic and from Trump who recommended ingesting bleach as a solution. In the last quarter of 2020, Trump's economy rapidly dropped by 32%. The largest dive in the history of our country. Biden has now turned the United States into the fastest growing economy in the entire world. During Trump's time, violence, murder, and hate crimes increased by 30% according to the FBI. If you have any doubt, a young man murdered his father and decapitated him over a fight about Trump. Biden has cut this figure in half. The unemployment rate across the U.S. has stabilized at 4% or under for years. During Trump it was over 8%. Manufacturing has returned to the U.S. meaning more jobs and less shipping of prodution overseas. Biden has paid down our national debt by one trillion dollars. So folks, Biden may be 81 but he has done a remarkable job after the disaster left by Trump. He also has ensured that he has intelligent and hard-working backup should he fall or fail. Biden has served as a public servant for nearly 50 years - of giving back to America instead of swindling money for his own pockets.

As for Trump - here is what is "going on." Trump is an American "asset" of the Russians who maneuvered him into the WH. If you have any doubt, this quote is from the Russian DUMA. “On November 9, 2016, just a few minutes after Donald Trump was elected president of the United States, a man named Vyacheslav Nikonov approached a microphone in the Russian State Duma (their equivalent of the US House of Representatives) and made a very unusual statement. ‘Dear friends, respected colleagues!” Nikonov said. “Three minutes ago, Hillary Clinton admitted her defeat in US presidential elections, and a second ago Trump started his speech as an elected president of the United States of America, and I congratulate YOU on this’.” (Journalist Craig Unger talks about Russia, Trump, and “one of the greatest intelligence operations in history.” VOX Politics, by Sean Illing, January 12, 2019. The Mueller Report sadly failed to tell the American people the truth about Trump and Russia. This was due to William Barr's interference and which still to this day needs to be investigated.

I lived and worked in 6 dictator-led countries for over 20 years and became bi-cultural in this process. I have watched the accession of Vladimir Putin as he rose to the top of Russian government. I wrote a warning to the American people called From Democracy to Democrazy (by Graham). Catherine Belton, a writer for Financial Times, wrote Putin's People in 2020 (which is quoted in From Democracy to Democrazy, p.85)). She said "My book began as an effort to trace the takeover of the Russian economy by Putin's former KGB associates. But it became an investigation into something more pernicious than that. First research - then events - showed that the kleptocracy of the Putin era was aimed at something more than just filling the pockets of the president's friends. What emerged as a result of the KGB takeover of the economy and the country's political and legal systems - was a regime in which the billions of dollars at Putin's cronies' disposal were to be actively used to undermine and corrupt the institutions and democracies of the West." THIS IS WHAT IS HAPPENING NOW.

In 1997, a book called The Foundations of Geopolitics was published in Russia. It purports to outline Putin's philosophy and his presidential goals which include: the annihilation of Ukraine, the infiltration of the UK (Brexit), France, and Germany, the fall of American democracy, the return of Russia to pre-NATO days, and so on. This book is comparable to Mein Kampf and now in the United States we have Project 2025 - all describing the subjugation of the masses to the will of one man.

The shadow cast by Putin over the landscape of American democracy, and his influence and control over Trump grows larger and darker by the moment. You and I have no influence concerning Putin, but our collective votes in this upcoming election are the essential and interpretative movement to save our democracy. If Trump wins, we all loose.

Elizabeth Graham

From Democracy to Democrazy

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"However, in the last 3 1/2 years this man: saved our country from the pandemic and from Trump who recommended ingesting bleach as a solution. "

I couldn't read past this. The bleach conspiracy theory and lack of understanding of more dead under Biden than Trump is all I can take. You probably think lockdowns and masking worked. Just crazy town.

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