Did you watch it? Elise Labott, longtime CNN reporter, Zivvy News founder, and Cosmopolitics substack queen, and I did, and compared notes over text. I’m no formatting genius, so I started out cute, and gave up fast. But it’s always wise to check your assumptions against a smart friend who doesn’t always see things the way you do. BLUF: He’s toast. Elise is kinder than I am, but you’ll appreciate her take on the press about-face.
DP: It’s a little weird to people that two weeks ago we were being told by the New York Times that Republicans were editing videos to make POTUS look bad, and now ABC is pushing out a clip that only underscores the message that Biden isn’t entirely present. How do you account for this weird, lemming-like turn?
EL: Well I don’t doubt the Republicans were highlighting Biden’s weak moments, just like the Democrats are quick to replay Trump’s greatest hits. But as far as the press is concerned, it’s groupthink, plain and simple. “Biden must go” is the narrative now and all media organizations will be singing from the same script until he bows out. The only channel that vacillates between that and “Let Biden be Biden” is MSNBC, which I think reflects the ambivalence of the Democratic party.
DP: That sounds about right to me, though it isn’t terribly reassuring to Americans who still harbor hopes that the mainstream press is about news, not advocacy. On the political side, what’s incredible is that there was some hope this would rejuvenate Biden’s political fortunes. This was probably Biden at his best. I couldn’t understand some of the things he said.. Some of the other things he said were lies. But no matter what, this is a vibe game — and he can’t project a younger vibe. One thing did come through loud and clear, however: This man has no plan to go easily. What’s it going to take to dislodge him from the White House?
EL: 100 percent agree. As my surfer nephew in California likes to say, it’s all about the vibe. And the vibe to me was (though you might disagree!) Joe Biden is a good man who is out of touch. He didn’t freeze like he did in the debate, but frankly that was a pretty low bar. And as he said, he has no plan to go unless the “God almighty” tells him to do it. So now, when Democratic leaders have to go to him and tell him it is time to step aside, as they inevitably will, that is the soundbite that will haunt him.
DP: God almighty or the Democratic Party. Yeah, that’s going to be a terrible sound bite. There’s something else we don’t talk about here, and that’s time. If Joe’s going to go, he needs to go soon. There’s cash to be raised, a new Veep to choose, a consensus to be built, and a new convention to be planned. And everything we’re hearing in DC is that there are divisions inside the Democratic Party (or the Catholic Church, you choose) about how to go about getting to someone new.
EL: I don’t think money is going to be the issue. It sounds like the donors are standing at the ready for a new candidate And let’s be honest, aren’t these issues – veep, convention, etc currently being addressed as you and I are riffing over cocktails?
I am not sure how the party can overlook Kamala Harris. The elites in the Democratic party have been anointing the candidate since 2016 and so I think just handing it to a Gretchen Whitmer or a Gavin Newsom would backfire. But James Carville posted an interesting video on his substack today in which he said Harris should agree to an open competition for the nomination, and when she wins, as expected, the party would be united and ready to stand behind her to beat Trump. I’m not sure why he looked like he just escaped a cyclone, but it was interesting. Several other lawmakers seem to agree.
DP: You’re right about money (and cocktails). But they can’t let this twist in the wind either. You’re also right about Kamala. The problem for her is that while she may look more competitive against Trump than Biden right now in the national polls, this isn’t a national election. It’s also, thus far, been an election that has focused on Trump’s trials (literally) and on Biden’s age. We’ve forgotten how much the nation dislikes Kamala. Once she’s in the spotlight again, we’re going to be reminded. In other words, all the more reason why the Carville idea (he was your sartorial model before?) is going to be the one that Team K has to beat back. On the other timing question, you think they’ll spare Biden the humiliation during the upcoming NATO summit in DC? And then give him the boot? How do they do it?
EL: Was Carville my model? I don’t remember! It’s true that many people don’t like Kamala, but she has a lot of supporters. I don’t think she’s been a rockstar Veep but, as I have said before, I don’t think the Biden White House has done her any favors. They haven’t given her enough of a platform, all the while leaking anonymous complaints about their “frustration” with her. At the very least, I think she’s been a better spokesperson for the administration than Biden aides have given her credit for. She had her moments during the 2020 campaign, so let’s see how she does against Trump on her own.
I think you have to give Biden the respect of letting him lead the NATO summit before any major decisions (or announcements) are made. At least he won’t be the only weak leader. Most of them are wounded animals after the EU, UK, and French elections. Though I’m not looking forward to that press conference.
DP: Yet another car crash we won’t be able to look away from. Thanks for chatting. Love your substack! 😊
EL: And I love yours!! It was fun - we should do this more often!
When Biden nominated Harris to be VP, I knew his administration and the country would be in trouble. VP is too important a position to base it on a person's superficial identities, especially when the president-elect is almost 80 years old. Biden's presidency and Kamala's vice-presidency have been outright failures, witness their consistently low approval ratings and the hardships their policies have caused many millions of people around the world. How can anyone with their head screwed on right vote for either of these incompetents?
I agree you two should do this more often. At the end of the day unless it is an open competitive process and or convention, moderates as myself will be much less accepting and carry that current frustration over to the election, which would play into Trumps favor. Hot mess so sad!