Jul 13·edited Jul 13Author

If he would have bowed out months ago, he could argue that he was going out strong on his own terms after one term - something he sort of pledged to do in 2020 when he called himself a “bridge” to a new party. Now he would be leaving as a wounded animal.

I don’t know how it compares to Churchill or Eisenhower except to say those were clear cut medical aiilments. Age and mental fitness is more subjective. Plus with the 24 hour medics cycle, decisions are chewed to death until the flavor is gone.

Watching Biden tonight in Detroit, many people are saying he is staying in the race. The problem is, just like the song by The Police, every move he makes, every breath he takes, will be watched.

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Good musical reference!

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Jul 13Liked by Elise Labott, Danielle Pletka

Elise's idea of Biden announcing his stepping aside at the Johnson Library is inspired, and riding off into the sunset. If Biden really believed his presidency is successful, it would be "easier" to leave. I think he has his doubts, so he's gonna stick it out. A one term president is considered a failure.

How do you think this current episode compares to Eisenhower's heart attack in 1955? Or Churchill's stroke?

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I’m with you - he’s sticking. The big difference of course is Biden at 50 was no Churchill. Even after a stroke.

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I suppose we must eat our own words because Biden dropped out. But as Churchill said, "I have often had to eat my own words, and I must confess that I have always found it a wholesome diet." Now do we opine on if he completes his term?

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The "Press" were mostly addressing what is in everyone's news. Of course, David Sanger is interested in and knowedgable about China...and thankfully Joe Biden is also.

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Jul 13·edited Jul 13Author

Yes David was one of the few reporters with a foreign policy question related to the summit and Biden had a substantive answer. Problem is, everyone is going to be watching now for another gaffe. Maybe I’m wrong, but I fear the dye is cast

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These fears are valid. Trump is THE master of trash talking and demeaning anyone he focuses upon, but now Joe's former supporters are joining in. Unfortunately, everyone does have a point. I'd add that VERY few people understand what lifelong stuttering does to the brain and how it increases the tendency to misspeak. Jim Clyburn does--he has known people who stuttered while growing up. If you know that Joe always misspoke and confused things in the past, you can take it with a grain of salt.

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