Jul 10Liked by Danielle Pletka

Absolutely right. Also interesting to see at least a small minority of people on Twitter point out the hypocrisy that Dems lambasted the Republican Party for not standing up to Trump but won’t do the same with Biden. I wonder how many people are looking at Dean Phillips and thinking, "I don’t want that to happen to me."

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I agree heartily this piece, DP. AND (not “but”) you won’t be surprised to hear me say that this lack of lack of courage is not just a Democratic affliction. This isn’t whataboutism, this is my general nausea with our politics today - in which integrity is in short supply across the board. It is hypocritical for Dems not to stand up to Biden and point out the obvious. And it is equally shameful for Republicans, who once vilified Trump, now paint a revisionist history. These people should all know better, but sadly public service has become less about service and more about power. Sigh.

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Double sigh.

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As far as I can tell, lots of Democrats are saying to each other, and some to the media, that Joe should step aside if not resign. But no one dares to go and ask Joe directly. And the progressive base, now having Joe's back, has those same democrats quaking in fear of reprisals from the base they're all now beholden to.

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Jul 10Liked by Danielle Pletka

Our American government was established to protect individual liberty and secure we have a free society. Especially the federal government is suppose to be inconsequential in our lives. How close are we to that if our choice for elected officials is who will plunder us the least? They demonstrably do not have the power they weild, and yet they do it. Virtue is our only hope. It took over one hundred years to get here. We must be patient and live our moral lives and set the example. Sadly, there are fewer that stand out. I think Danielle and Elise should spotlight some stand up political figures.

Please excuse me if this made no sense. I'm on my lunch break in near 100 degrees with the sun baking my head.

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Thank you for the great suggestion. There still are good and honorable people in politics, as both Elise and I know. The most virtuous are not always the loudest, sadly. But highlighting goodness is a virtuous pursuit, and we should do more of it. Stay cool!

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Jul 10Liked by Danielle Pletka

Before the present Biden debacle happened I felt that the outlook for our country was not good. Because of Trump and the Republicans and because of the woke and the Democratic party. When some Dems were finally calling for Biden to quit I saw a ray of hope. The Squad and the dem establishment seems like they put an end to that. I don't see any better with the Republicans. The partisans will destroy all of us. It reminds me of the lead up to WWI that I read about in "The Guns of August", where Europe was sliding towards war and everybody knew it and no one could stop it.

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Jul 10Liked by Danielle Pletka


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You’d think so-isn’t it right to demand that the Democratic Party stand up to their failing leader and his dreadful family?

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The Dems don't want Joe to resign. Because along with his resignation will be a pardon for Hunter and others in the Biden family. How will to voters react to that and what would the consequences be for other Dems running for office? I think the voter response will be devastating to the Dems.

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You are preaching to the choir. We all agree Joe must go. Grow a set and say something otherwise you must ask yourself the question, will those that have the ability to preach now, who remain silent, be around after November to preach!

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I'm assuming (hoping) you're not telling me to grow anything. If indeed this is directed at the President's party, then yes, a set is what is necessary. Perhaps even a few. 😆

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