Sep 1Liked by Danielle Pletka

I hope the Israel people will unite around destroying Hamas rather than trying to destroy Bibi. The USA is quite prepared to hand Iran a victory at the expense of Israel. In my bones I feel Obama,s hate for Bibi playing a role in the drive to trade the hostages for Israel loosing this struggle.

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Sep 1Liked by Danielle Pletka

Agree with every word. I seriously fear for Israel's future not because of Iran or Hamas but because of this unthinkable division among the public and between political factions. This serious war cannot be won in this manner. Netanyahu bears responsibility for the failure of October 7 but from where I sit his opponents are execrable and not an alternative. How Gallant remains in the cabinet I don't understand. God preserve Israel.

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Sep 1Liked by Danielle Pletka

Why I subscribe. I was not aware of the Ma’alot massacre. But given the long history of persecution and the photo of the Jews waiting to be gassed, Hamas and friends are the 21st century Nazis. Looks the socialist system in the Palestinian Authority - very similar to how the Nazis co-opted German industrialists into the National Socialist party.

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Sep 1Liked by Danielle Pletka

Throughout the history of the Jewish people and upon the formation of the state of Israel, its destruction and the murder of Jews by its enemies has never ceased and never will, until all the Jews are murdered. The enemies of Israel have told them so. They will never release the hostages alive, even if their absurd demands are met. Desperate times call for desperate measures. Plan accordingly. Act accordingly.

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Sep 1Liked by Danielle Pletka

Very well and accurately stated. I wish more people understood the challenges Israel faces and how they need much support and understanding.

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Sep 6·edited Sep 6Liked by Danielle Pletka

I agree that the Biden Administration did not kill any of the Israelis and other nationalities on October 7, nor did Biden and Harris take any of these people hostages or subsequently kill them while under captivity.

However … I would like to see more reportage and commentary that really does zero in on the completely incompetent and unrealistically dogmatic U.S. policies by Biden that restored billions and billions to Iran and allowed the Iranian oil spigot to be turned back on.

I get it that the Orange Man is and was “bad” … at least in the eyes of so much of the Beltway establishment. But … the Bad Orange Man’s Middle East policies were strangling the mullahs economically resulting in the funds to Islamic fascist terrorist groups like Hamas and Hezbollah to dry up. Less money = less terrorist operations. No money = no terrorist operations.

This really isn’t rocket science. Take away a schoolyard bully’s ability to be a bully and he will stop bullying others.

Anyways … you briefly mention Biden’s failed Middle East policies, but surely this subject is worth more attention and in-depth focus.

Personally … I think and I believe that the disastrous Biden policies in the Middle East significantly contributed to the overall conditions that both enriched and emboldened the Iranian mullahs to fund their terrorist proxies. As the shadowy “Deep Throat” whistle-blower suggested some fifty years ago to the Watergate investigative reporters … “follow the money.”

Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, and their deputies all contributed to the even more dangerous environment that is the Middle East right now. Whether it’s just their naïveté, dogmatic ideology, outright corruption, or just some sort of weird fetish for Shiite mullahs who instinctively hate America, Jews and Western Civilization in general, is largely at this point just academic because we all know that the resulting policy is a grand failure.

But I would like to really know why. Why do these Democrats insist on such an unrealistic policy towards the Iranian mullahs who seem to hate us so much? Is it some form of unrequited love? All this borders on the pathological.

In the meantime … I am hoping for some big political changes from our upcoming November elections. Hope for the best … prepare for the worst, as the adage goes. G’day.

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The Iran policy didn’t start with Biden or Harris — it started with Obama. If anyone can figure out why he was so hellbent on outreach to the Muslim world (both Shia and Sunni) and the coddling of militant Islam (both Shia and Sunni), that’d be much appreciated (by me).

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I appreciate the questions. Will write something - today if possible.

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Agreed. Obama started this Iranian fetish. Trump killed it. Biden resurrected it.

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Just checking in, Danielle, much as I used to occasionally do at your AEI forums. I’m not here to troll you and I don’t intend my perspectives to be threatening (I’m sure they aren’t to someone as imposing as yourself). They are just different perspectives, admittedly discordant here where you have a unified subscriber base. I don’t read what you write because I will necessarily like it. I read it to be challenged and to not be too comfortable in my own echo chamber.

Your reader base is certainly not so narrow that everyone readily accesses Ha’aretz. I think it’s much broader than that given your stature and bully pulpit - and it includes me. And I’m sure it’s more substantial than only being people who can read Hebrew or, broadening that base, are Jewish.

I mourn every single death in this nightmare in Israel, Gaza, and the occupied territories. This certainly includes the 10/7 hostages and the violent deaths of all others, irrespective of which of the two tribes they come from. I have personally been threatemed by terrorists and I’m not an apologist to for that diseased approach. robustly condemn all hate based on ethnicity,

religion or culture and that absolutely includes antisemitism. No Jew should feel isolated or threatened due the simple fact that they’re Jewish or support Israel, just as the mirror image relates to Arabs and Palestine. If someone needs help defending a synagogue in my area they only need ask and I’ll pitch in.

My orientation is more focused on what’s best for our country, the United States, than what’s best for Israel, which is, after all, a separate nation with policy objectives that are often different than America’s.

One thing I know is that Israel can’t kill them all, nor can it endlessly repress or ethnically cleanse an Arab population that is essentially equal to that of the Jews in Israel, East Jerusalem and the occupied West Bank.

It’s a question that begs for an answer and, sadly, I know I’ll be long departed before that answer is found. I sincerely wish you peace.

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Israel is not ethnically cleansing Gaza.

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Dan, I appreciate your being here in the sense that I always respect people who have a different perspective and want to see opinions outside their bubble. But your comments are inconsistent with that attitude. If you don't like what you read, you should unsubscribe. If you are here to troll me, I don't like trolls. Educated perspectives are fine; assholes are not. My readers know how to read Ha'aretz, as do I. In the original. Thanks.

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