George Washington's farewell address is pretty clear. And Ben Franklin's, "a republic, if you can keep it," are admonitions to the nation that in order to keep our freedom we must be a virtuous people.

A fidelity to the constitution can only be achieved by individuals living by a set of standards. And holding others to those standards by the choices we make without coersion.

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I believe the greatest verified document ever written is the US constitution. Everyone should have was and really understand it before jumping off their partisan cliff. After all these years being politically active on both sides of the aisle, I have never seen s much ignorance, hate, and vitriol as we are all experiencing now. Very sad!

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Tawdry but not actually illegal

A prominent man took up an offer from the type of woman that's drawn to celebrity like a moth to a flame.

Actually ileagle,

A men takes bribes and makes threats to get what he's after.

I'll go with #1

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There is no going back, society as a whole is degenerated past the point of no return.

Tolerance of delusions. filth of every hideous bent.

There are millions s of very angry people, some of them are ready to decorate lamp posts.

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Jun 10Liked by Danielle Pletka

Term. Limits.

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Here's a bit of drollery I spit out this mornng over the repast:

Both Biden and Trump are deeply faulty individuals, but each in his particular aspect. one in private, the other in public. Ponder that in its ramifications.

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