Sep 6Liked by Danielle Pletka

These people are useless. Israel needs to do what she needs to do. It's also why the forces of evil are on the march. They see a weak willed west that is so mired in stupidity that it simply will not defend itself for fear of angeriering those that want to kill their children.

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Sep 6Liked by Danielle Pletka

Ref your Lammy comment. As Tom McTague wrote here https://unherd.com/2024/09/starmer-has-revealed-his-weakness-over-israel/ For Labour it is all about "legal-left" interpretation. What A joke Labour are

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We somewhat know what to expect with Trump as president. We survived his presidency and even flourished in some regards. As someone who didn’t vote for Trump and have a low opinion of the man, it’s hard to give him kudos. On the other hand we have Kamala pandering to the terrorists and their bullies marching through our streets; threatening Jewish people and their supporters. Another strike against main stream media and Biden/Harris is the deliberate cover up during the last election and new knowledge of them intentionally interfering with social media aka our freedom of thought, speech and expression. I will vote for Trump as my deep distrust and dislike of this administration outweighs my personal dislike of Trump.

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I suspect many people feel the way you do. No good choices.

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All political choices are always going to be imperfect choices. The only way somebody could ever vote for his “perfect” political candidate is if that very person ran for office, and then voted for himself. Otherwise … the choice is always going to be less than perfect.

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In the movie Patton, the General’s subordinates criticize the number of deaths from pursuing a high-paced advance. Patton responds by asking them to consider just how many would be dying if they advanced at a more measured pace. Without American and other Western interference the was in Gaza would be over now with considerably less loss of life.

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The "right to defend itself" followed by "but" is a dead giveaway. If the US had gotten out of the way, this war would have been over months ago, with Sinwar pushing daisies.

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In my fantasy brain , Isreal is figuring out how to make its own cash of weapons without the rest of the world and can tell all these idiots to go to hell. I know it’s a fantasy , but a girl needs hope

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Sep 6Liked by Danielle Pletka

For Americans, Israel's right to defend itself it means the right to not be threatened by enemies.

This can be achieved by concessions to Hamas.

So, say, should I want to steal 100 bucks from you holding a knife, you could make a concession and hand over the cash. By doing that, you've successfully defended yourself from an attack.

But that's beyond the point. Israel has now been sanctioned by America, UK and Norway. This is effectively both an arms embargo and an oil embargo.

The right to defend yourself now means the right to not have yourself get hurt by having a weapon.

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Blood will flow and peace won't come because it takes both sides for real peace and the Hamas side is committed to no-holds-barred war like on 10/7 and prior. It's unlikely that Hamas changes their minds about killing innocents and a peaceful 2 state solution, and Israel hasn't erradicated Hamas yet and it's not apparent if they'll be able to. I hope for all of humanity that this conflict ends.

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I thought this was resolved with the GW Bush doctrine. If a power poses a threat and states its goal is your death then you have a right to make a "preventative" attack. The lessons of history, especially pre-Second World War demonstrate this. Churchill called it the "Unnecessary War." It's amazing how wrong they can be.

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Biden, Harris and their handmaidens like Blinken, other global leftists like PM Starmer and the too numerous pieces of EuroTrash in the EU and Davos, and the rest of those weird one-world order types … they all very clearly illustrate, epitomize and fully live up to this Judaic adage that essentially goes:

“Those who are merciful to the cruel will be cruel to the merciful.”

— Talmudic dictum

Beware of such people, and shun them; condemn them; ridicule them; vote them out of power … for they are the enablers of tyranny, rape, death, enslavement, famine, bankruptcy, misery and poverty.

May God save America, planet Earth’s last and best hope for a better tomorrow. Hope for the best … prepare for the worst. 🙏 🇺🇸 🌎

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Oh I believe Harris made herself perfectly clear. Israel has the right to DEFEND itself. It has the right to use Iron Dome and David’s Sling to shoot down rockets aimed at the country.

Does it have the right to attack anyone? No. Not a chance. Not hizbullah. Definitely not Iran. Not even Hamas because Hamas hides behind innocent (maybe) civilians and heaven help us if one of those get hurt. It also does not have the right to retaliate against anyone who has attacked it because that would be “escalation” and we definitely can’t have that.

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Should Israel’s neighboring countries and others in the global community wait for an Israel with leaders who are clearly deranged racists (Smotrech, Ben-Gvir, others) in senior political leadership to use the nuclear weapons that it possesses (thus destroying hopes for a nuclear-free Middle East) before taking them out? Is there in fact a right to “anticipatory self-defense”?

What defense steps are appropriate to stimulate Israel to withdraw to within its own borders and out of illegally occupied lands?0

You can see where this logic leads us…..

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