I agree , and yet maybe the Saudis could be the beginning of that conversation? Hopefully a glimmer of a new path ?

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Aug 8Liked by Danielle Pletka

Jimmy Carter. The one overriding failure of the Carter administration is not standing by the Shah of Iran. He let the genie out of the lamp. It is distasteful at times but we must walk with bad actors in leiu of worse ones.

The replacement is our example of freedom, prosperity, regard for life and good will. All American traits. But we are slowly losing our identity in this era of untruth and confected reality.

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Aug 8Liked by Danielle Pletka

They say you can’t kill an idea. But you can make it irrelevant. Nazism may still be around but it can’t threaten anyone again. Soviet communism had the same death. PS what passes for communism in China is simple totalitarianism. No equality in that country whatsoever. Truth is Israel can win by remaining strong. It was attacked because it was perceived as weak. The same with every other western nation. Win. Stay strong.

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Aug 8Liked by Danielle Pletka

Yes. Common sense like this is not common, unfortunately.

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When it comes to terrorists, you kill them before they kill you. Iran has publicized their intentions for decades, and allowing them to have nuclear weapons would be suicidal for Israel and the U.S. We must enlist NATO in the cause of replacing the Iranian regime and occupying Iran until capable and trustworthy Iranians are fit to govern a democracy. It's fine to say we don't like them and will do what is necessary to eliminate their current government from the face of the earth.

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Don’t Bogart that joint my friend. You have an active fantasy life.

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Israel can’t kill them all and neither can we. And the Arabs certainly can’t kill all the Israeli Jews. Two things have been shown thus far. That Americans are sick of feckless Middle Eastern wars that we lose interest in after two years and walk away from with catastrophic results. And that Israel is losing unquestioning support in the U.S. just as it already has in the rest of the world. When your major accomplishment is manufacturing an endless supply of people who want to kill you, something is wrong.

Curing the infection that keeps attacking the U.S. immune system in Palestine and surrounding countries will do much for the health and status of US foreign diplomacy. Our efforts should focus on achieving that outcome.

This means finding an equitable way for the Jews and Arabs in Palestine to live together with equal rights and self-determination. Neither group is leaving the area, nor should they. The 750,000 plus Israeli Jews now living outside Israel’s borders in East Jerusalem and the West Bank have ensured that there can never be a two state solution and Netanyahu and many other Israeli leaders have guaranteed they would never permit a two state solution anyway.

So it’s time to take dreams of from the river to the sea Eretz Israel, ethnic cleansing, sustained ethnic supremacy and perpetual theft of land off the table in Israel and try everything possible that can lead to a one state solution with equal rights for both tribal groups there. And the negative image of these Israeli objectives must be removed from the indigenous Arab agenda. The alternative is a perpetual Hutus vs Tutsis doom loop, that Americans shouldn’t want any part of. Our best case outcome will differ, of course, from the ideal outcomes that are desired by Israeli Jews and indigenous Palestinians. But Americans must work for what is best for us rather than the polar extreme outcomes desired by either of the two tribal groups of Palestine.

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Senor Weinwurzel - Thank you for your deeply analytical response. A bit antisemitic though.

When you’re in a hole, stop digging.

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We’re done. Can’t abide trolling. Next comments will be deleted.

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It was a deeply analytical comment.

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Let's face it, it's about economic opportunity--none left for young Arabs by their monarchs. The kids are primed for the fake meaning and money offered by Jihad. What might it take and from who to address that? Not much has changed in the past ten years: https://www.csis.org/analysis/jihad-geopolitical-g-x-winning-war-and-building-peace.

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How much have you been to the UAE, Qatar, Bahrain, Oman and Saudi Arabia in the last 10 years? Given your post I’d say not at all.

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