So don't you think it would have been better to have more information, not less, when people went to vote in 2020? Those concerned people knew he was diminished, or at least diminishing, but didn't want the world of voters to know all about it. Our betters were "helping" us then by shielding us from the truth of his crookedness, his venality, and his viciousness. They still won't tell us who the real Joe Biden is because if they did, we would all turn away, even if it meant turning toward Trump.

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It's always better to have more information. But the reality is that the political tradition -- Republican and Democrat -- has been to conceal concerning health issues from the public whenever possible. This piece in National Review on the topic is interesting. https://www.nationalreview.com/2024/02/the-last-time-an-unfit-incumbent-ran-for-reelection/

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And Roosevelt was a Democrat. Kennedy, with Addisons. Another Democrat. I appreciate your honesty on this terrible subject.

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the truth is that winning politically has become more important than truth telling. Do you notice that there are no more plays or dramas about famous (or even ordinary) people struggling with their conscience? Those that know the truth about Joe Biden's real level of impairments aren't wrestling with the good vs. evil of telling the rest of us. Those in power with knowledge aren't troubled by the moral conflict, or the whisper of conscience. They have long since silenced that internal guide or check on their behavior.

Such is the downstream effect of psychology having replaced theology as the modern guide for life. And I say this as 30 year licensed psychologist.

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Honesty is always easy once you've gotten what you wanted.

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Yet … there are lots of other indicators that Joe Biden was never suited to be the Executive of our U.S. government. Lots of indicators. Tragically for America, they were either ignored or covered up.

This write-up from a few years ago clearly crystallizes Biden’s bad history of wrong decisions in foreign policy: https://www.theatlantic.com/ideas/archive/2021/08/biden-afghanistan-record/619799/

Then there was former DOD Secretary Robert Gates’ famous line from his book about a decade ago regarding Biden’s record. “I think he has been wrong on nearly every major foreign policy and national security issue over the past four decades.” And that quote was a decade ago … so now we can say that Biden’s wrongheadedness now extends well into five decades. That’s 50 years!

See: https://time.com/378/gates-slams-biden-in-memoir-reveals-he-nearly-quit/

That’s fifty years of bad, venal, craven and mendacious political skullduggery by a crony hack politician from Delaware. Or is he from Scranton? Or was that instead from the Puerto Rican community he (allegedly) grew up and lived with in his youth? Or was it the Jewish synagogues he grew up going to? Which lie is it today … Liar Joe?!?

Even Demented Joe’s supposed best friend (and in his current devolving state he may very well be just his imaginary friend with whom he turns around to shake hands with as he leaves a stage) Barack Hussein Obama has said this about Biden … "Don't underestimate Joe's ability to f... things up."

See: https://www.cbs19news.com/story/42501205/barack-obama-reportedly-said-dont-underestimate-joes-ability-to-expletive-things-up

The simple truth is many of those who have seen Biden up close and have known him the best know that Joe Biden has always had poor judgement and bad political instincts. Four years ago the DNC teamed up with the intelligence community (IC) while also colluding with Big Tech, the MSM, Wall Street, and a myriad of other academic, NGO, media, and other institutions … all synchronized together, to put Joe Biden into the White House.

Read all about it at: https://time.com/5936036/secret-2020-election-campaign/

Funny … there is a word that describes this bundling of societal institutions together, in lockstep, to advance a determined political agenda. These institutions are bundled together like fasces, simple sticks bundled together to create a solid and unbreakable club. The sturdy club is then used to beat over a political opponent’s head. Metaphorically … at least, for now.

Fascism … that’s the word!

Il Duce would be so envious of the 2020 DNC/IC/MSM/BigTech/Wall Street collusion to win the 2020 election … all while branding it as “saving democracy.” It’s now 2024 so I suppose we can all just expect some more of the same … Wash … Rinse … Repeat. Same as it ever was … same as it ever was.

In 2020 Joe Biden was little more than a meat puppet implanted by a cabal of elitists to ensure that the Bad Orange Man stay out of the Oval Office. This ensured that these globalist elites could resume enriching themselves by selling out our sovereignty and American birthrights, all while rubbing the faces of the middle class into this mess. Most of us are somewhat familiar with this crowd. You know … the “let’s hop on our learjets and fly to Davos! Could you pass the caviar?” class of people who want everybody else to ride on bicycles and eat bugs.

I have to wonder though … do these elitists who backed Biden, you know the ones in the intelligence community, the State Department, and all these national security think tanks and NGOs, do they regret all the bad decisions made by Biden?

Like the worse than even Vietnam withdrawal from Afghanistan? The now perceived fecklessness of Biden on the world stage that emboldens Putin to invade Ukraine, and China to prepare for war? The disastrous Biden’s open border and wholesale outsourcing of the southern border to the cartels?

Do these elitists who supported Biden have regrets too? Do they have children or grandchildren who have overdosed and died from fetanyl? Do these elitists have family or friends who have been burglarized, robbed, raped, maimed or even murdered by either our own out of control homegrown criminals (because BLM you know,) or even perhaps imported criminal aliens from Biden’s open border?

Inquiring minds want to know. Suffice it to say that the only thing Joe Biden’s mind seems to inquire about is today’s ice cream flavor of the day. If you ask me, I think the only flavor available to the rest of America during this abominable Biden era has been the rocky road to serfdom …


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So now his current mental frailties are disqualifiers for office. Why weren't his moral frailties disqualifiers back in 2020? The incessant lying about anything and everything. Items big and small, important and meaningless? A bigger liar than HILLARY! and that's going some! And his bullying of little people too small to strike back at him - or foreign officials desperate for American aid? The threatening of reporters who'd written something he didn't like with the destruction of their careers! All that was OK! As long as we got the red-headed sassenach out and the Good Ol' boy corruptocrat IN! Trump can fire all the bureaucrats he wants but who's going to fire the Press that gave us this doddering old Crime-Boss fool? Who fires all the communist bought-and paid-for stooges teaching in our colleges & universities? Only Donald J. Trump can save this country for a few years but the rest of us had better wake up and start paying attention or we WILL find ourselves back in chains of a dictatorship and nearly a quarter of a millennium will be flushed down the tubes.

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I was reliably informed that it is just a stutter...

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Almost shared your article ... until you claimed that Republicans are in shambles and took two pot shots at Trump. Excellent alienation of your reading sphere.

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I’m grateful you read the post. But I don’t think it’s a potshot to say Biden’s not up to the job, and I don’t this it’s a potshot to suggest, as I did, that there are problems with Donald Trump - the sum total of the remarks about Trump. If you’re alienated, I’m sorry. But that’s *not* our reading sphere. It’s people who I hope believe in the idea of America and the principles we hold dear. Not in one man. We sorted that in 1776.

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If Biden "steps down", his whole family goes to prison.

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Where have you been the last 4 years?

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He's NOW become a problem? He was declining pre-2020. Foreign leaders are only NOW noticing he's got little acuity and focus? That he can't think beyond tomorrow, hasn't the mental energy or focus to sort through complex situations each with their own consequences? And he's surrounded by like-thinking advisers who fill his head with their mush - is he strong enough to think for himself?

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In fairness to Joe Biden, in 2020 he was able to debate, able to interact with ease. I think many of us have seen this in the elderly. Decline can accelerate, especially in a demanding job with heavy responsibility.

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Biden spent the entire 2020 campaign in his basement. On the few occasions he got out, he was back in there for his afternoon nap. Almost invariably he could not reach the end of the day. For that one debate, they injected him with who-knows-what drugs so he would handle a couple of hours on stage. But all-in-all, his handlers knew he was unable to campaign. That was 4 years ago.

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so you are begging for what could be called an intervention where Biden's friends gather him and say, "we all love you and want the best for you" and then each says something like "I hate that you are hurting your own beloved legacy" or "I feel you should claim victory and retire so people will love you."

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I hope I am writing respectfully about an issue that deserves serious discussion. And better one's family than one's employees...

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Oddly, the liberal media wants 2024 to be all about age--not necessarily about competence but age.

The age difference is merely 3-4 years.

Competence on the other hand is a far greater gap.

read all about it at danbutterfield.substack.com

One may like or dislike Trump--but is Biden the best solution for America?

Should Joe Step aside--or should he jettison Harris and find a more competence 2nd in command?

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