You do realize that Macron might decide to just terminate all air service between the US and EU than being seen as capitulating to someone like yourself(BTW Elliott Abrams appears to be too stupid to look at the Air France website and note that AF doesn't actually fly to Iran)

I would argue in fact there is no way for the US to go for full out economic war with Iran without destroying NATO.

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You know, Mr. Smyth, calling people with whom you disagree "stupid" is far from constructive. You are correct that Air France has canceled its flights; Lufthansa has not. And while we are flattered you think a) that the president of France listens to our podcast; and b) that he would terminate all commercial air service with the United States because of it, we fear you are mistaken. We invite you to unsubscribe should our content make you nervous about its contribution to the end of NATO. Best wishes.

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