Aug 29Liked by Danielle Pletka

You left out Iran and its treatment of women, Venezuela, as well as the Uighurs in China and Tibet. The other element that’s distinguishes Israel/ Gaza is that Israel is a western style democracy. The Gaza protesters are all anti-western and anti-capitalist, which is crazy given the record of authoritarian regimes

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Aug 29Liked by Danielle Pletka

Thanks for paying

attention to this!

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Truth telling. Do you feel like a unicorn??

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There is no shortage of humanitarians willing to come to the aid of those in need. They are stifled by the authoritarian states that have exasperated or even caused these crises. Once again, the example of a free people acting in free enterprise will be most effective in relieving their plight.

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Aug 29·edited Aug 29

So barbarity and hypocrisy have accompanied the human race everywhere and throughout the entire span of its existence. Who knew?

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Feel like this comment could go on any one of my posts. 😀

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Aug 29Liked by Danielle Pletka

System design should concern itself with function independent of the goodwill of those responsible for its operation and maintenance. If you get this wrong, the system's failure, over time, is assured.

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All of these humanitarian disasters are deplorable beyond comprehension and we should work to mitigate all of them in any reasonable ways we can. Of course, the misguided and horribly executed adventure in Afghanistan turned out to be a mismanaged tarbaby for the U.S. and in the end we cut and ran in the most humiliatingly mismanaged way possible. So, we have officially indicated as American society that the horrendous plight of the people of Afghanistan, especially women, isn’t something we are prepared to make American sacrifices to address is any concrete way. Tut tutting from afar won’t accomplish much.

The obvious difference between the other terrifying examples highlighted in this column and Gaza is that Gaza is the only humanitarian catastrophe where American taxpayers are funding the nightmare and where charitably provided US armaments are doing a majority of the killing. Our President and others in his administration have several times (admittedly half-heartedly) asked Netanyahu too stop the carnage and he has always refused to do so, often via insults and always making more demands of the United States.

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